Dalian Method™ sessions are available for anyone ages 7 and up.

If you are unsure where to start, book a complimentary consultation. Complimentary consultations are a great way to ask questions and find out more. Or you can send an email to: evoheal@gmail.com.

Appointments are currently offered online through Zoom. In person appointments may be available on request in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.

So what is the Dalian Method™?


The Dalian Method™ is a ground-breaking self-healing system. It was created by Zen Master and Multi-Award-Winning Author Mada Eliza Dalian. It is a guided step-by-step process of breathing techniques, out loud verbal expression and body movement. It is a transformational process that wakes up your consciousness and gives you a find the answers to any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problem inside yourself using the power of your own consciousness.

The Dalian Method™ systematically works through the whole body uncovering and releasing many layers of repressed thoughts and feelings. This enables you to access and resolve the underlying cause of whatever mental, emotional, spiritual or physical issue you seek to address.

Through uncovering, releasing and transforming the root cause of your issues, life becomes much more loving, joyful and free.

How Does the Dalian Method™ Work?

*The content below is from Mada Dalian's Website. Click the below headings to read the text. *

“Instead of trying to substitute negative beliefs with positive ones or using the cognitive mind to explore and analyze self-sabotaging dysfunctional behaviour patterns, the Dalian Method (DM) unleashes the memory of past painful experiences, allowing what is trapped in the body to be freely lived, released, and transformed.”

~ Mada Eliza Dalian

Dalian Method and Physical Healing

Most people look for healing “from something” or they want to “get rid of” or “fix” something that feels uncomfortable physically, mentally, or emotionally, without much contemplation of what healing truly means. True healing is not about ‘fixing’ or suppressing symptoms of physical or psychological ailments, nor it is about replacing negative beliefs with positive ones. True healing is a state of dis-identifying from the mind and emotions and becoming aware of how beliefs, desires, and conditionings cause pain and suffering. True healing is about becoming aware of the causes of pain and suffering, learning the needed life-lessons, and transforming the ego-mind into self-empowered consciousness.

To heal, means to let go of attachments to ideologies and the need for control and approval. To heal means to transform pain and suffering and achieve a state of inner balance and peace. It means to transcend the fear of death and the unknown and find the eternal presence of the Inner Being.

A Breakthrough Tool for Spiritual Transformation

The Dalian Method is not only an advanced technique for healing the body, mind, and emotions but it is also a one-of-a-kind tool to accelerate spiritual awakening. The Dalian Method acts as a bridge between the teachings of the awakened masters and you experiencing the truth of those teachings for yourself.

By using the Dalian Method™ as a spiritual practice, you will dramatically increase your ability to witness and dis-identify from your thoughts and emotions, deepen your self-awareness, strengthen your intuition, expand your consciousness, and connect to your inner wisdom and life purpose.

Key Principles of the Dalian Method™

The Dalian Method™ Works with the Following Core Principles:

Many unexpressed layers of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and conditionings are repressed in the body and its cellular memory. They run as invisible programs blocking the free flow of energy through the body and causing pain, discomfort, and disease. Our beliefs are based on socio-political and religious conditionings and the conclusions we make from our life experiences. To eradicate pain and illness we must access and work with the causes of ailments instead of their symptoms. All answers are within. Consciousness within the Being is the master key that can permanently dismantle the unconscious beliefs and conditionings and liberate the soul from the story created by the ego-mind. Consciousness must be grounded in the entire body in order to achieve a complete and lasting healing and transformation. Consciousness is the Master Key for Permanent Healing and Transformation The Dalian Method™ works with the key principle that the healing of the body, mind, and spirit are a by-product of transformation from unconsciousness into consciousness. It spontaneously uncovers the original state of purity and innocence of the being, before it was programmed with layers of beliefs and conditionings. This naturally facilitates inner transformation and effortlessly results in the healing of the body and restoration of the damaged DNA into its natural form.

The Dalian Method™ Identifies and Erases the Causes of Pain and Ailments Instead of Treating the Symptoms

Most commonly practiced body-oriented (allopathic medicine, acupuncture, and different types of bodywork), mind-oriented (psychology, psychiatry, and counselling), and spirit-oriented (faith, shamanic, and psychic) healing systems, though helpful and necessary in improving human conditions, primarily treat the symptoms of ailments instead of their causes. The Dalian Method™ (DM) focuses on treating the causes of the physical and psychological ailments. It ensures that the causes have been permanently eliminated and transformed in the body, mind, and spirit as a whole.

The Dalian Method™ Helps You Find Answers Within Without Using the Mind

The Dalian Method™ helps you find all the answers within your own being and understand that your being is always healthy and whole, and it can never die. Working with the Dalian Method helps you truly understand that all your problems have been there to help you learn important life lessons and find the peace, silence, and abundant joy and creative possibilities hidden within your own being.

Through the process of healing into consciousness with the Dalian Method you experience your inner clarity and strength and realize that no one can prevent you from living your life freely and according to your own inner truth and calling. You relax into yourself and become more accepting of yourself and others. You let go of the past hurtful memories, insecurity, blame, and anger and free your energy from fear, judgments, and self-imposed beliefs. You learn how to find the answers within yourself, begin to take charge of your own life, and become excited about what life has in store for you.

“Healing of the human body might be called a growth in consciousness. True healing is always an adventure in consciousness leading to new understandings.”

~ Edgar Cayce

The Dalian Method™ Accelerates Healing and Transformation into Consciousness

Most experts agree that we need to become aware of the causes of our problems in order to solve them. However, they offer limited solutions, which are based on the same linear thinking process of what is ‘good’ and what is ‘bad’, what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong,’ that creates our problems in the first place. Using the cognitive mind to solve problems can only offer surface solutions at best because the unconscious beliefs and conditionings still remain imprinted in the body’s cellular memory continue to split our energy and inner wholeness by running like invisible computer programs. As we all know, we cannot change a computer program with wishful thinking and achieve the desired results. We first must access the program, understand how it runs, and erase the areas that are no longer relevant. The Dalian Method helps you do exactly that by taking you into your body where the programs are stored, make them visible, and give you a choice to permanently erase them with the power of your inner consciousness.

The Dalian Method™ Grounds Consciousness in the Entire Body

In order for healing to be permanent, consciousness needs to be fully grounded in the entire body. After having transformed the unconscious thought patterns and beliefs into consciousness, the Dalian Method solidly grounds the newly gained clarity and understanding in the entire body, from head to feet. Consequently, the light of consciousness erases the causes of fear and self-sabotaging beliefs created by the ego-mind, and therefore permanently heals pain, anxiety, and dis-ease. Fully grounded consciousness in the body helps us find and live our inner purpose without compromise.

The Dalian Method™ Does not Use the Mind or Any Kind of Energy Work for Healing

This unique system by-passes the mind and helps to effortlessly bring to the surface the precise thought patterns and emotions that have been imprinted in the body and energy for years and even lifetimes.

Systematically working through the entire body (from feet to head, including the chakra system, Yin/Yang (female/male) energy polarities, the breath, and out loud verbal expression) the Dalian Method helps to release and dissolve the unconscious thought patterns, emotions, and beliefs that cause energetic blockages, psychological unrest, and disease. When working with the entire body, the Dalian Method helps to permanently erase the old beliefs and transform the underlying causes of fear, self-doubt, jealousy, anger, insecurity, chronic pain, and disease.

As the body detoxifies from layers of repressed negative emotions and belief patterns, your inner consciousness spontaneously comes to the forefront and helps you dis-identify from your chattering mind and its beliefs. With the self-sabotaging thought patterns and emotions released from the body, your energy begins to freely move again, and you naturally connect with your inner joy and stillness. The energy movement naturally opens the neuropathways in the body, spontaneously awakening the body’s ability to restore the health of the organs and heal itself.

Feeling an overall state of wellbeing, spontaneously and without the need of positive thinking, the heart opens and frees the tremendous power it contains to heal the past wounds, learn the needed lessons, and authentically forgive oneself and others.

Utilizing the innate wisdom of the third eye center (the sixth chakra), the Dalian Method helps you understand why things happened the way they did. It helps you transform anxiety, fear, blame, and negative emotions in the entire body. Self-acceptance, love, compassion, and gratitude then arise naturally, without using any affirmations. You experience the silent presence of your being and realize that you have the strength and power to live your life as you choose. You forgive yourself and others for all the mistakes and open to new possibilities that life is waiting to offer you.

And once again, all these things are achieved through a Dalian Method session without using the cognitive mind!

“Health is a state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with age, illness or even the health of the body or mind. Whether you are aware of it or not, every step you take towards healing is a step towards consciousness. Everything you do in life is part of your healing journey towards discovering the ultimate health of your being.”

~ Mada Eliza Dalian

You can find the above text and more on Mada's website here.

At the end of the session, we review your key insights from the session. Then, together we design action steps to grow and strengthen your new awareness in practical and tangible ways in your day-to-day life. After your session is finished, you will…

Importantly, the Dalian Method is a self-healing method which means that you can practice it on your own if you have the Healing the Body and Awakening Consciousness kit. Having a facilitated session or attending a class or workshop is a great way to prepare yourself for a home self-healing practice.

In Search of the Miraculous: Healing Into Consciousness and Healing the Body and Awakening Consciousness with the Dalian Method are the two books published by Mada Eliza Dalian. The former is an organized map of the soul’s healing journey, and the latter describes how the Dalian Method was created and how it works. Also included are the workbook and audio recordings that are essential for your home self-healing Dalian Method practice. These can be purchased here. Having these resources will be very supportive for your healing journey with the Dalian Method.

Sessions with Jandy offer customized coaching on how to practice the Dalian Method. Clients often prefer the 3 session package as this gives them a way to build their skills and develop their home self-healing practice with the Dalian Method. After starting to practice the Dalian Method at home, clients can come back for sessions when they would like some help going deeper, or they can work directly with Mada Eliza Dalian (HIGHLY recommended!).

Many clients will find that the Dalian Method is that it is the most powerful healing system they have ever discovered. And many are keen to study this powerful modality further. Click the button below to read more about this life-changing system.

The Creator of the Dalian Method

Mada Eliza Dalian created the Dalian Method. She is a gifted Zen Master who has dedicated her life to the growth of consciousness. Those who have studied with her count themselves as very fortunate for this rare opportunity. She has written award-winning books and teaches all throughout the world. Read more about her www.madadalian.com

Here’s how Mada describes herself and the Dalian Method:


“This simple yet profoundly transformative healing method is my gift to you and to the world. It is the flowering and fulfillment of a promise I made lifetimes ago to help with the healing and transformation of pain and suffering on this planet. I have carried the blueprint of this ancient wisdom in my being as its guardian and vehicle for many lifetimes. After experiencing the purity and universal presence of Being, and recognizing that the ultimate goal of being on this planet is to heal into consciousness, I understood the responsibility I have to pass on this timeless knowledge to those who are ready to see who they truly are and live their full purpose and potential.

Even though for the past twenty years I have been helping people to heal and transform their pain and suffering into freedom of consciousness, I am not a healer. Though I have been speaking about health, consciousness, self-realization, and enlightenment, I am not a teacher. I am simply a mystical being, a friend on a path, who shares knowledge not based on any books, training, or dogma but from a place of personal experience and understanding of Truth that transcends the limited reality of the mind.

As you will soon experience for yourself, the Dalian Method™ (DM) is a stand-alone system and is not derived from any known healing modality. In fact, it goes beyond traditional healing systems in that it views consciousness (not the body or mind) as the ultimate source of health and wholeness.

Consciousness is beyond matter, space, and time. Consciousness is more than just a state of thinking or awareness of people, things, and the world. It is the formless part in our being that knows who we truly are. It is a state of knowing that we are beyond our body, mind, emotions, and ego-personality. Consciousness is that part within our being that recognizes we are eternal and cannot be destroyed by death. It knows that we only change our forms and can never disappear from existence. Consciousness is the thread that connects all moments between life, death, and rebirth.

The self-healing Dalian Method comes at this critical time to aid humanity in its transition from the Dark Age of conflict and discord, known in the East as Kali Yuga, into Satya Yuga – the Golden Era of Enlightenment – the age of unity, peace, and harmony among people and nations.

If you are ready to take charge of your own healing and transformation and unleash your inner strength and power, the self-healing Dalian Method can help you become your own therapist and healer. It can assist you in discovering parts of yourself that you have ignored, repressed, or did not even know existed. It can help to speed your transformation into consciousness, and like a loving and compassionate friend, be a guiding light on your path of awakening to your divinity and brilliance."

Excerpted from: "Healing the Body & Awakening Consciousness with the Dalian Method: An Advanced Self-Healing System for a New Humanity”